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Delivering a custom website for Hynds Estate .


Hynds Estate is an up and coming boutique property in Box Hill NSW. Providing a selection of modern home and land packages, Hynds had everything the buyers needed, except for one thing—a custom website. Being familiar with giving digital marketing solutions for rising properties all over NSW, The Marketing Co. took on the challenge of doing what we do best for Sydney’s leading developers—building a custom website that stays on brand and has all the functions future owners might need.

Client: Developers NSW


  • Custom Website
  • Digital Marketing
  • Print Management
  • Brochures
  • Billboards
  • Flyers

The next chapter.

Check out the website here. Scroll to view.


User-friendly, with an aesthetically pleasing touch.

Buying a property is a huge step, which is why The Marketing Co. made sure that Hynds Estate’s website provided all the information any buyer might need when it comes to owning a land. We have also integrated a functional contact form in case users needed additional information that cannot be found on the site. This custom website was planned with the users’ beheviour in mind. We made sure that all information are accurate and are easy to find and navigate. By doing this, we are making sure that no customers are lost.


It’s time for a new website?
Speak with one of our website strategist today.

Isabelle “Izzy”
Senior Designer


Start your project! Contact Kal  or our team today!

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