7 Marketing Life Hacks to Grow Your Audience in 2022, Don’t Rely On Marketing Trends | Marketing Sydney

7 Marketing Life Hacks to Grow Your Audience in 2022, Don’t Rely On Marketing Trends | Marketing Sydney

As we move more and more into a digital world, people will be spending more time online. If you’re looking for a year that helps you grow your audience exponentially, this is the year to execute your plans.

However, sometimes it’s hard to predict what the landscape will be like, especially when you’re dealing with the online world. On the Internet, you can find that trends come and go. The influx of information that occurs every single second online makes it so that attitudes evolve as quickly as mere hours.

Instead of simply relying on trends that disappear like the wind, it’s important to have the right tools to deal with any situation as soon as it comes up. Getting this right can make all the difference for your brand.

You’re not bringing people into your house, so to speak, just to visit. You’re trying to make them stay as long as you need them to. If you want to make sure you have the upper hand this 2022, keep reading for 7 easy-to-do hacks that can help you market your brand the right way.

  1. Make a SWOT Analysis to Figure Out What You Should Emphasise

Making sure you’re pulling your branding off is going to help you in the long run. Messaging is extremely important when dealing with people online. They should know who you are not just from what you tell them, but from how you tell them and what you want them to see.

This is where you need to draft up a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) Analysis. List down what you feel makes your brand strong, and when formulating how your branding will be, focus on your best traits as a brand.

  1. More Than Informing, Tell Your Audience Your Story As It Happens

People are more likely to support a brand that they feel they know on a deep and emotional level. When you’re thinking of capturing an audience’s attention, be sure to keep this one thing in mind. Usually, when it comes to what customers see online, they will avoid things that make them feel like they’re being talked to instead of being spoken to.

Instead of simply informing people about what’s happening, let them know how these new experiences in your venture show themselves to you and everyone else working under that brand. Tell people a story, and they will listen closely and intently instead of hearing and tuning it out.

  1. Incorporate and Improve Your Visual Design Into Your Story

This can seem like a piece of advice that gets repeated over and over again. However, this needs to be said regardless of how your visual design looks. Even if you feel like your visual design is already apt for your brand, you might want to incorporate your story into those visuals.

It will be far more eye-catching to your audience if you help them step into your brand’s shoes in a way. Making your visuals augment how strong your story resonates is absolutely necessary to not just getting someone’s attention, but piquing a customer’s interest, and keeping them interested.

  1. Communicate With Your Audience Constantly

As we’ve kept on saying in past entries, keeping customers interested goes a long way to cultivating your audience. One way to do this is through finding out what they want and responding to those as soon as you possibly can.

Communication is key in order to get a better grasp of what your target audience wants from you. It will help your customers feel like you’re really looking after them, and that is something that will be an assurance that they will look after you. Contribute something of value to your community, and your community will value you.

  1. Create More Things Customers Watch, Not Read

With the relatively recent success of websites and apps that feature microcontent, you might not even have to keep a user’s attention for longer than a few seconds. What is microcontent? Microcontent can come in many different forms, such as written posts, videos, or images.

If you can condense your messaging within a few seconds, then you can make a potential customer more likely to finish watching your video without getting bored. If a customer finishes your video — or better, re-watches it multiple times — then your content will be more likely to be pushed out to more users by the algorithms of those websites.

  1. Rethink the Way You Write You Organise Your Posts

Of course, it may be too much of a big production to produce effective, high quality content as often as you would normally post. It just doesn’t seem feasible for many different brands because of the time and energy it would take to create higher level content.

Spacing these kinds of content out, and adding content that’s easier to produce in between, can help your marketing strategy be more sustainable. You don’t have to over impress your audience every single time. Remember that the “wow factor” is for potential customers, but for the ones that are already there, image posts will do.

  1. You Don’t Have to Do It All Yourself

Marketing is a complicated process that requires a lot of attention and thinking on your feet. You’re going to need a lot of know-how in order to get as much out of your marketing as possible. However, this process can take a lot of time from other important things that urgently need your attention.

Outsourcing your marketing is a sure fire way to dramatically reduce the amount of time you need to stress over it. Just be sure you’re handing your brand over to capable hands. This is why you should consider partnering up with The Marketing Co.Sydney-based digital marketing agency The Marketing Co. are the premiere digital specialists that can take your brand to the next level. Your customer experience is prioritised and treated with the utmost of care and expertise. To work with recognised digital marketing experts, enquire now with The Marketing Co. and avail of a free audit today.